Sober Living

Toxicological Findings of Self-Poisoning Suicidal Deaths: A Systematic Review by Countries PMC

alcohol poisoning suicide

Another theory of suicide suggests the severity of depressive symptoms, such as a hopeless sense of not belonging, is directly proportional to the likelihood of a lethal suicide attempt. There are several neurobiological and psychological theories proposed to explain the relationship between alcohol use and suicide. Alcohol affects neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers such as GABA and serotonin that help regulate mood. In Canada, 12 people die by suicide each day — and another 200 attempt suicide. While the prevalence and destructiveness of suicide is clear, much less is known about why people die by suicide. We each have unique tolerances, relationships, and reactions to alcohol.

4. Study Selection and Data Collection Process

It may be used to reduce the last instinctive hestitations to taking one’s own life. People with cancer-related depression often use alcohol as a means of coping but they very rarely use it in order to kill themselves through acute intoxication. However, a case of a cancer patient who committed suicide consuming two bottles of spirit was recently investigated and the conclusions are presented. The post-mortem cardiac blood and vitreous humor alcohol level was found to be 9.0 and 6.2 mg/ml respectively. Women could be at greater risk because heavy drinking generally has more negative physical and cognitive consequences for women than men. For youth, perhaps the higher risk is due to the elevated rates of heavy and problematic drinking in young adults or that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds.

Associated Data

Such a situation results in significant discrepancies in the reported data, which do substance use group ideas not reflect the actual situation and require the development of an optimal form of their registration, enabling reliable data. The purpose of the present study was to analyze suicide attempts by intoxication, suicides as such, and substances influencing the state of consciousness of suicide victims in Poland in the years covered by the study. Life expectancy has decreased in the US, driven largely by increases in drug poisoning, suicide, and alcohol-induced deaths. Assessing whether patterns of these causes differ is required to inform public health interventions. A study published in 2003 by Lahti et al. [40] in Finland analyzed 500 autopsies conducted in 1997 where the mechanism of death was related to poison intake.

  1. Examples of these medications include sleep aids, such as zolpidem and eszopiclone, and benzodiazepines, such as diazepam and alprazolam.
  2. Poisoning by and exposure to other unspecified drugs, medicaments, and biological substances, as well as poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapors, were the second cause of deaths as a result of undetermined intent (Table 6).
  3. Data sharing is not applicable; no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
  4. To date, there have been few articles addressing suicide poisoning, and not a single paper has been written that analyzes suicide poisoning statistics over the past 21 years with two data sources.
  5. A2019 WHO report indicates a worldwide decrease in the global age-standardized suicide rate [5,6].

Data Availability Statement

The findings are limited, given that only articles published in the English language were included and that National data is often published locally. Furthermore, the selected studies lack significant anamnestic and socio-demographic data, which could be important in investigating the risk factors involved in suicide by consuming poison. Moreover, the data that correlated self-poisoning as the method of suicide lacked variables regarding essential issues such as illness-related factors and psychopathological issues, known to influence suicide risk. Moreover, in autopsy studies, it is hard to differentiate between medications taken for medical treatment as opposed to those taken only to commit suicide, especially in the case of medically prescribed drugs. Moreover, the coroner’s toxicology results focus on substances present at the moment of death. They do not always gather information about chronic exposure to substances, medically prescribed drugs, or the source of ingestion.

In the USA, an elective study by Cuchara et al. [21] of suicide cases where autopsy was carried out revealed that out of 394 cases, 71 (18%) were attributable to poison intake. The most frequently detected substances in the toxicological examination were benzodiazepines, opioids, antidepressants, and ethanol. However, the most used methods were use of firearms and suicide by hanging, with an apparent reduction in the use of other means. Of note, the mean age was heterogeneous at 53 years but distributed mainly between adolescents and adults, suboxone mixed with alcohol with a positive psychiatric history in 45.9% of the cases. For each study, three authors (C.L.S., A.R. and V.P.) extracted the following data using a pre-designed data extraction Excel sheet.

alcohol poisoning suicide

Time is a factor that significantly influences the effectiveness is salvia deadly of toxicological testing [22]. This cross-sectional study found that demographic characteristics and geographic patterns varied by cause of death, suggesting that increasing death rates from these causes were not concentrated in 1 group or region. Specialized interventions tailored for the underlying drivers of each cause of death are urgently needed. With regard to suicides using toxic substances, the age of the victims was between 20 and 29 years in most cases of our study, which is comparable to previous reports. The young age of the victims correlates with their vulnerability and impulsiveness and their easy access to toxic drugs [52,53].

This cross-sectional study found that drug poisoning, suicide, and alcohol-induced death rates each increased dramatically among individuals aged 20 to 64 years in the US during 2000 to 2017. However, the demographic groups and geographic areas with the highest death rates and strongest increases over time differed by cause of death. Thus, these 3 causes of death should be considered separately when targeting public health interventions toward populations at the highest risk. Furthermore, it is important to reiterate that these increases are not limited to middle-aged White men and women, as they have impacted all racial/ethnic groups in recent years, nearly every US state, and rural and urban communities. In this study, we compared death rates and trends in rates from these 3 causes by geography, age, race, and ethnicity.

Risk factors

In 2017, alcohol was found in 602 suicide victims, whereas in the year 2020 it was found 521 suicides. The total number of suicides of all causes was 106,169 in the 21-year study period. Therefore, the 2258 self-poisoning suicides accounted for 2.1% of the total number of suicides. Alcohol in the form of ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, is in alcoholic beverages.

Don’t play doctor—cold showers, hot coffee, and walking do not reverse the effects of alcohol overdose and could actually make things worse. Using alcohol with opioid pain relievers, such as oxycodone and morphine, or illicit opioids, such as heroin, is also a very dangerous combination. Like alcohol, these drugs suppress areas in the brain that control vital functions such as breathing.

The role of healthcare providers (nurses, toxicologists, and public health professionals) is crucial in identifying the risk factors related to suicide and the toxicological issues of suicide by self-poisoning and implementing relevant policies. Psychiatric liaison, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and primary care nurses must have in-depth knowledge and skills to conduct comprehensive assessments [13]. It is necessary to know the groups at high risk and adopt approaches that address the individual and societal factors that motivate suicide. In societies where basic needs of inhabitants, such as their emotional, financial, and religious needs, are addressed, suicide and its consequences rarely occur [48]. Suicide deaths involving heavy alcohol use have increased significantly among women in recent years, according to a new study supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Previous research has shown that alcohol is a risk factor for suicidal behavior and that women have a higher risk than men do for suicide while intoxicated.

2. Data Sources and Search Strategy

Some manuscripts from these areas were initially assessed for eligibility and excluded after full-text reading because they did not adhere to the inclusion criteria. In Australia, according to a recent study [50], an increasing trend of deaths due to intentional consumption of poison was observed, with a significant increase in medical prescription drugs, especially opioids, as in other high-income countries. Moreover, Australian epidemiological data show a changing trend among different jurisdictions in terms of the manner of death due to poisoning.

To properly plan preventive actions, it is necessary to determine the scale of a particular problem. Poland does not have one statistical database with the number of suicides. The collection of data by two separate institutions causes a problem with interpreting these data.

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